Roya (name changed) is the daughter of Fakher Ali. She is 1.5 years old. She belongs to a poor family; she has 3 brother and 2 sisters. They live in Qandali village, Alishang district and Laghman province.
Roya’s father informed that before the project implementation, they did not have access to health care and many people have died while transporting them to far away health facilities. Also, there was no pharmacy in the area where they can have access to basic medicines. So, getting any kind of medicine was big challenge.
Roya was brought to the clinic as she was suffering from diarrhoea. She was examined by the clinic doctor and diagnosed it to be dysentery. She was given medicine including zinc and ORS.
The girl has now recovered and doing well. The father expressed his gratefulness for setting up the clinic in their area. He said it has helped to cure lots of illness that often plague their community people.