Mr. Farhan (name changed) is 46 years old. He belongs to a very poor family. There are 8 members in his family. He has 2 daughters and 4 sons. He is visually impaired. He lives in Shewa district of Nangarhar.
Earlier he used to be a policeman and had a job under the previous government. Sadly, one day he was at a bomb blast site and he lost his eye sight. When the previous government was still ruling, he used to get pension but now after the new regime his pension was stopped so he has no other source of support.
He was living a very difficult life. Due to his disability, he is not able to work. His children used to do labour work in the field of other villagers. With no other hope he applied for NGOs aid in the district level department. The Serve Afghanistan Team visited his home and considered him eligible to be supported under Income Generation Programme.
The project purchased a milking cow and gave him (2023). The whole family is taking care of the cow. His children used to take it grazing. He is very happy as he is now getting good amount of milk. They are consuming some amount and the rest they are selling in the market. He is able to earn 100 to 150 AFN daily and with the income from the milk, he is able to buy food for his family. He is grateful that he does not need to worry for their daily food anymore.